About Us
As a family-owned laundromat in Citrus Heights, CA we believe that our community should have access to dependable machines in a clean environment to wash their laundry effectively and efficiently.
As parents and working professionals, we know that laundry can be quite a daunting task to fit into an already busy schedule. When you have families, a demanding career, or both, everything from children’s clothing to work attire, bedding to household linens, and everything in between can present an endless rotation of laundry that can be a challenge to manage. Having the experience ourselves of being tasked with doing everyone’s laundry, we’ve come to appreciate the service and efficiency laundromats provide the community.
We want to share the experience of getting more laundry done in less time. Bring your laundry to us and use our machines to do multiple loads or bigger loads at once. Because we love efficiency and value your time, drop off your laundry with us or schedule a pickup & delivery and we will take care of your laundry for you.
Laundry is necessary but it doesn’t have to be a major inconvenience. Let us take your load! Visit May’s Laundromat or schedule a pickup & delivery order today.